This function’s overall intention is to allow you to receive a full item/bundle, then break down and sell its subcomponents. TradePeg will allow you to pre-determine the % value of each sub-component, relative to the Assembled item, and subsequently calculate the cost price of each component after disassembling.
Example: You buy Saucepans in Packs of 3 (1 small, 1 medium, 1 large) and you break the package down to sell them individually. Allocating 60% of the overall cost to the Large pan, 30% to the Medium pan, and 10% to the Small pan.
Converting an Item to an Assembled BOM (Assembly):
Converting a single Item:
First access the Part page for the item which you wish to convert.
- Press the Red cog item and ‘Convert to Assembled BOM’
- You will notice that a new tab becomes available, entitled ‘BOM’ (Bill of Materials). This allows you to specify the components of this Assembly and assign their relative value.
Converting items to Assembly’s in bulk:
This should be done using an Import Template including ‘SKU’ and ‘Item Type’ as data sets.
- Access the template from Inventory > Dropdown menu (top right) > ‘Import *template name*’
- Specifying a SKU, alongside an ‘A’ in the Item Type column will allow you to convert items in bulk. Note: Ensure you select Import Mode = ‘Overwrite Details’
Specifying Components and allocating % value:
On the BOM tab you can ‘Add BOM Item’ to list the components of the Assembly, alongside their Qty, UOM, Assembly notes, and Value %.
Value % will allocate the entered % of the overall Assembly’s cost, to the component in question.
Example: The overall Assembly (Pack of 3 pans) costs you £100. On disassembling 1 Pack of 3, TradePeg will calculate the following.
- 1 small pan costs you £10
- 1 medium pan costs you £30
- 1 large pan costs you £60
Product De-Assembly:
From the BOM tab of an Assembly, click ‘Disassemble’ – taking you to the below screen.
From here you can enter the Quantity which you would like to Disassemble, and the quantities of the subcomponents will update dynamically, providing clear visibility of what each individual item’s inventory is due to increase by. Simply enter the desired Quantity and press Submit.
NOTE: TradePeg will also provide full traceability of each subcomponent following disassembly. Full record of DASM’s and any other stock movement will be found in the Item’s IN/OUT Log (Inventory > Parts > Select Part > Inventory > I/O Log).
Disassemble Document screen:
An ASM document will be created, and you will have immediate visibility of the quantities placed into stock, along with the value allocated to them by this particular de-assembly. You will also see from the Product Assembly overview, that all disassembly’s are clearly highlighted with a red tag.