When the marketplace feed us information about each sale, they often define your SKUs differently to what they exist as within TradePeg. It is therefore critical to ensure all Marketplace identifiers/listings are linked to their TradePeg counterpart, for Sales Orders to populate accurately.
- Navigate to the marketplace section on TradePeg
2. Access your Listings per Marketplace using the button shown below. The button being highlighted in Red indicates there are (x) amount of listings on this Marketplace which have not been linked to their TradePeg counterparts.
3. From this page you can click on the red “unlinked items” button which will narrow down your search to show only Unlinked Listings.
4. From here you can click on the “link” button at the end of each line to link the listing to its TradePeg counterpart.
5. The following window allows you to search for the SKU as it exists within TradePeg.
Note: If there are similarities between the MP SKU and the TradePeg SKU then the system will suggest the linking automatically, you can then select multiple and ‘Accept Suggestions’.
- Item: Corresponding TradePeg SKU
- UOM: Unit of Measure we are linking the item with
- Merchant Fulfilled: Whether we fulfil it or the marketplace. If we click merchant fulfilled TradePeg will send stock updates for this item. If left unchecked, we will not send updates as we expect it be an FBA (or similar) listing.
- Sell Price: This will be the sell price of the item which we will pick up automatically from the marketplace, you can also edit it and change it after we have linked it.
- Retail Price: You can push RRP information to the Marketplace if they support it
- Link All Marketplaces: This checkbox allows you to create the link on all marketplaces at once.
6. Linking items in bulk is done via the Import function on the Listings page
7. Paste in the necessary columns respectively.
‘Import to all Marketplaces’ allows you to create this link on multiple Marketplaces at once, provided the MP SKU is the same.
‘Create listing if Required’ creates the listing and the link within TradePeg if it does not already exist on the ‘Listings’ screen.
- Seller SKU: Marketplace Identifier
- TradePeg SKU: TradePeg Identifier
- Merchant Fulfilled (Y/N): Whether this listing is Merchant fulfilled (Y), or third-party fulfilment (N).
- Linked UOM: Unit of Measure the listing will tie to when the SO is created - If left blank, will take the Default UOM for the item.
- Selling Price – Optional: You can dictate the pricing of the listing from within TradePeg using this column. ‘Sync Pricing’ should be turned on in the Marketplace’s config for this to take effect.
- RRP – Optional: Recommended retail price if the Marketplace supports this.