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Marketplace - Pricing Changes Pop-up Request

Request as follows:

Essential Request

1. Add in a pop-up when price changes are actioned through TP (either per sku or per marketplace for each sku.)

With an option to disable the pop-up for uses when it isn't relevant.

Supplementary Requeste

2. To add another 2 columns to the inventory forecast report: 

- Date of last price change 

-  Reason for Price Change

Our most common reason for pricing changes is because of an increase in unit cost.

This usually affects the volume of its sales, which in turn affects reordering quantity,

(Spoke to Andreas about this; couple of points to note:

- General ‘notes’ on skus cannot be exported (at least not in bulk)

- The necessity is that reordering analysis needs to consider if there has been a change in sold qty rate since price change.

Background: This is often not visible at a first glance, therefore every item that needs reordering needs to be investigated for this.

Detail: This is a very time-consuming job and doesn’t allow for a stream-lined workflow. It involves:

- Finding the sku in S.O

- Looking for price changes

- Going to inventory log to work the qty that has sold since the price change.

 Compare rates to previous time period.

Thanks a lot!

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